PARTICLE BELIEFS (To much to get into for all, will take a season)



B.ABOUT BEING “ORGANIC” (First Church, Christ, Ministry, Born Again, Fellowship, ORGANIC) ..Cross Body Unity, being on a continual search for WHO and WHAT and WHO is ‘First Church Holy Bible “Organic” (“organic” means ‘without any human synthetic additives” (which ONLY Jesus Christ pure was, is, modeled!)..For this is “Transformed True Church”  ” witness” as commanded and described in Ephesians 4 “pure Community” which mega, micro, “transformed’ to cause a favorable witness to society

C. The “CROSS BODY UNITY” is a multicultural, multi purpose, servant leader movement, which is intended as “non elite” “no Big I, Little You ” No one size fits all it is a  leader concept  deeply based up and draws (meaning Christian collectively) the many historically, true good Movements, many  Bible mindsets, insights of many past ministry generation, include the 40 years of media and various public portrayals and spiritual doctrines which assessed ‘the Love of Christ, ” the purpose and ministry representation of Messiah, the Savior, Office of the Apostle, Prophet, Teacher…CHRIST, as well as the FIRST CHURCH “the purposes of attending a local church” as well as outreach, family, relationships most of all dwelling in (First Church Like) diverse, ministry favorable.. APOSTLE PAUL “COMMUNITY


D). NO. This is to officially state that Sister Taveau is NOT OVER ALL OF YOU.**..she is a “SENT MESSENGER “like Paul as a Galatians 1:1-2..which “Cross diverse Body” collaborative “aside YOU” by God’s divine appointment, to be used as a ‘resource’ “prayer person” and theological maven for Christian ministry “iron sharpens’ guest speaking ministry equipping and much more!(** SHE is not “UNDER” YOU EITHER but Ephesians 5:21 “mutually submitted in the fear of the Lord to each and every person”_

E) TYPE OF AREA MOVEMENT..Cross Body classically a “decision’ to dwell in Christian unity” without bias, turf guarding, competition, accusing and Big I Little You ‘ism”…

F) THIS UNITY will not be fully in agreement for there are to many hard heads currently out there. However, we can do each our best to work toward ALL OF THIS. (3 forms of modern “Christian” sr ministry 1) Eli I Samuel..”ready to depart” 2) Demas “one foot in the temporal Get All You Can cunning world 3) God’s Choice the Holy Fear of the Lord, First Love Relationship “ready” true REMNANT. “ENOCH (Adams grandchild Genesis 5 “walked and talked with God daily, and one day God took Him** (**that last may be a SIGN!)

G) PURPOSE for this (no Big Boss authority) type of First Church “society affecting” “UNITY” is akin to Psalm 133..and is more a “silent, calm ‘move” which bears peaceful, fruit of the Bride Of Christ prepared..this Bride abides in Ephesians 5:21, apostolic Ephesians 4 and abiding holy fear of the Lord James 3:17 peaceful A.R.T. (TD’s Abiding Relationship Theology” which is  on person self governing, EORR respect as well as good, healthy wise ministry training

H) CROSS BODY UNITY “walking in Unity” does not mean that CBU is forming or is into forming.. “One world church” (Plus.. that is already formed, somewhere in the Middle East) Rather, this simply a choice to bear unique “holy fruit” based upon certain Common Doctrines, upon which we can all AGREE ** (this will discussed in “NON PC, NON BIBLE THUMPING, NON BIASED, NOT BACK UNDER THE LAW we move forward)

SISTER TAVEAU and CROSS BODY UNITY In accordance with Galatians 1:1-2, we, the members of Cross Body Unity, declare our core beliefs under the title of “WISE CROSS BODY UNITY.”

1. Non PC, Cross Racial, Inclusivity and Equality within many, ALL Tribes, Nations and Unique Persons and Many Vast Subcultures

2. Saying again.. No one person, group, ministry can or must “join” Cross Body Unity as  official member” nor pays due to  Cross Body Unity …at all, for it’s based upon personal clear direction and by individual and corporate Bible Unity Diverse Fruit

For this exact reason no one person or group, who is presently in, under, over any form or brand , style, denomination , already “in” “‘an official member, affiliate of” any now branch of any  Christian ministry and/or church, should remove themselves or cause them to accuse or contrast ministry of Cross Body Unity as “divisive” “competing’ “attempting to undermine or to subvert or to take their leaders or members.rather this is an “option to study” and to then pick and chose what YOU HEAR GOD telling YOU to do or not! 

3. Not An Autocrat, but an abiding Isaiah 1:18 long life minister Servant Sr Leader Ephesians 5:21, a Galatians 1:1-2 office ..Taveau D’Arcy officially does not claim to know more or to know it all..and neither should “you” This is an option for fill in some missing ministry doctrines, to collaborate, to “present possible ideas, options, and to attempt to provoke “new thought ” to help the Future Church  and present, modern day Ministry but also the Future Main Ministry (an idea, to complement and add missing thoughts, and also to confirm existing many ministry thoughts. BUT TO ALSO ALLOW each PERSON to hear God for themselves , which is a Apostle Paul teaching  us to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling”


4. NO HURRY ABOUT THIS. Just read as you need to take it easy and slow. No hurry for this is ministry divine revelation which is for Christ’s sincere Body.

HERE IS WHY?? For there is far TOO MUCH knee jerk religious reaction. We are for the unique person HEARING FROM GOD based upon the Bible (God’s Holy Word) and the inner witness of Holy Spirit. We can dig into this later!


5. ASSESSING, EVALUATING..  CBU  ATTEMPTS TO BE HYPE FREE  “in full Pauline manner” follow us, me, this ONLY if, as we follow Christ ” (the One that’s in the Authentic Bible)And continually ‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for the Lord is at hand” (Sir Apostle Paul)

6.Thus, nothing Minister Taveau teaches should be take on, committed to or even donated unto..unless it is valid from the Lord…We understand this life and Christian “let nothing represented, suggested or noted ” here” be done “by compulsion”… as there is too much cult domination, in the ministry right now.

Due to the Bias, Sister T fully advices and quality recommends, “each person’s choice to hear from God and what is inside His Bible…then let HIM tell you!”


7.Within our organization, we use ‘Ephesians 5:21 Chain of Command” “mutual submission in the fear of the Lord’  Taveau is the senior office, leader founder, overseer who is “over persons” on staff, volunteers but NOT over any general visitors or fellow visiting ministers. 

We each do our very best to role model EORR “Equal Opportunity Real Respect for the Office of EVERY HUMAN Made in God’s image (believer in Jesus Christ or not,politics, race, nation, religions lifestyle also included in the EORR)

8. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) BE A NOBLE BEREAN who would make Paul Proud: CROSS BODY UNITY In Pauline MInistry Fashion we encourage each person to Listen to the message,but then to heard God in it or now, to compare it with the Scriptures, mainly First Church Non legalistic, non accusing Holy Bible First Church New Testament) 


9. REPEAT Due to many Authority Beliefs and Accept Forms

Ministry and Groups

No single ministry or group within Cross Body Unity assumes authority over others. We acknowledge that every ministry and group is divinely appointed by God’s Holy Spirit. This voluntary arrangement is a testament to the work of God in our community.

 Embracing Differences

We recognize and appreciate that not everyone will fully agree with all aspects of our beliefs and practices. This diversity of thought and opinion is not discouraged; it is celebrated. Our organization does not conform to political correctness, licentiousness, or law. We strive to embody the principles outlined in James 3:17 – “COMPROMISE” and Ephesians 4, setting a communal target goal for our members.

In essence, Cross Body Unity is a diverse community bound by a common desire for unity and understanding, and we aim to live out these principles as we continue to grow “His’ moral persona, group ‘more”  authority





  1. Taveau is a Galatians 1:1-2 “not sent out by any one group or person, she and the leader brothers and sisters who with her (means :co-laboring, teaching in agressment, forming an unseen diverse Pauline Ephesians 4 “transformed’ gentle abiding flow ‘called “COMMUNITY” ..Meaning as well..those who are on the same page in ministry about these Days Eternal deep priorities and who have safe, healthy value for people, tribes, nations, belief sets, yet without Bible beat downs, witchcraft occult, too much control and over any bigotry or gainsaying, 3 Timothy 3:1-5/I Timothy 6:5 stale fruit…AND WHO ARE OUT  in the fields which are ripe for harvest) for the sake of the soon Coming Living Lord

2. EACH PERSON ought be trained in Pauline Ephesians 5:21 “mega/micro offices, fellowship, elders, community, and married spouses) “as this was First Church life authority ” (quoth Chat GPT Ai Summer 2023

3. THE ART: Within that ‘training” should be ‘ART “Abiding Relationship Theology” which is “role modeling James 3:17 pure fruit, “the wisdom that comes from above which is pure, peaceable, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruit,** without partiality and without hypocrisy”

4. GOD DEPENDENT “SELF GOVERNING PRIVATE, PERSON AUTHORITY ** good fruit’ implies Apostle Paul Galatians 5:22-23 “fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, meekness and “SELF GOVERNMENT” (temperance, self control) which is the ROOT of all society,Christian community, each fellowship,ministry, family and marriage

(this makes really great NOW TEACHING type of  FODDER..

(C)2023 DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship All copyrights reserved under international copyright laws

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